Quick Summary and Homework

My son, Ironman Josh, with our giant stoplight, 2009. Photo Credit Rebecca Thompson Hitt

Today we’ve talked about the Brain Stoplight, discussing what we all look like and feel like on green, yellow, and red. I want you to spend this next week or two considering what you look and feel like on green, yellow, and red, and then what your kids look like. Bring your observations to the Facebook group and let’s talk about what we’re seeing. This will help us as we deepen our understanding of feelings and how they can support our relationships when we learn what to do when they come bubbling up for us or our loved ones.

In two weeks, you’ll have new content about cultural expectations vs biological expectations. Next week, I’ll be sharing some existing content in the Learning Center with you to deepen your understanding of what we’re talking about here. It is bonus content, so it’s only if you would like to watch or listen.

Please let me know if you have any questions for me about this content and applying it to your family.

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