Movement for Mind and Body

Most parents want the whole family to feel awesome – both physically and emotionally – and they already know all about the superpowers of exercise. But when you just can’t find the time or energy in an already overloaded and overwhelming schedule – you need help! How can you make movement a seamless part of everyday life for the whole family?

Wise parents know that their kids really need demonstration – not just instruction when it comes to making behavior changes. If we are able to demonstrate positive attitudes towards exercise and consistent healthy habits in our own lives, then it greatly increases the probability our kids will too.

People who have succeeded in making movement and exercise an ongoing part of their family life have a specific mindset that works for them, not against them. The great news: you can learn how to change your current mindset, easily increase movement in your own day, and demonstrate this to your kids. The results are infinitely and immediately rewarding when you form a family habit this way, putting in motion a positive upward spiral that builds on itself. Join us for an interview with Bethany K. Springer and learn how to create an amazing movement mindset that will benefit the entire family.

In this discussion you will learn:

  • What a movement mindset is
  • How your current movement mindset is holding you back
  • How to create a mindset that has been scientifically proven to empower positive transformation
  • How to easily increase movement for yourself and your kids everyday, even in the busiest of schedules
  • How increasing movement in family life is a keystone habit that can change negative energy into positive and benefit all areas of your life for years to come

Please visit Bethany's website to join her free course on movement, as mentioned in our discussion!

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