1. Introduction

When my oldest son was about 8, I was ready to tear my hair out. I didn’t know what to do about his seemingly constant emotional upsets (there’s no reason for him to be upset!). He was having meltdowns for 2 hours after school each day, along with many other times, and I didn’t really know how to help him.

I’m going to be talking about what to do and how you can shift what you’re looking at in your family. I’ll introduce the concepts of regulation and dysregulation and why all of this feels so hard. The brain stoplight will guide us through what to do and when. You’ll learn about boundaries and how you can set them when your child is often upset. We’ll talk about how you can connect on yellow and how to be there when your child is on red.

These things literally transformed my family and I’m really excited to share them with you!

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