Principle #5: What is a feedback loop and why does it matter?

Guiding Principle #5 from Consciously Parenting: What it Really Takes to Raise Emotionally Healthy Families

"Parental interpretation of behaviors comes from both a conscious and subconscious place resulting in positive or negative neurophysiological feedback loops."

It's a mouthful, but what it basically states is that patterns with our kids can feel either good or bad. This month, we're talking about how we can begin to shift the patterns that don't feel good. We begin by bringing awareness to our own experience so that we can start to shift what's happening for us. And then we can take a look at what's happening for our kids.

Neurophysiological part refers to all the different ways we communicate with one another, not limited only to the words we say, but more about the energy we bring into the interactions.

Conscious and subconscious experiences we've had with the child and what we're bringing from the past that influence what's happening. We'll be looking more closely at those experiences and how we can work through them for ourselves so we can be more present with our kids.

When things aren't feeling great, this is the principle that can really help you to shift what's happening with your kids. It made a huge difference in my own experiences with my kids to understand this reality.

I'm really looking forward to sharing this information with you!

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